News Releases & Products
eSignal Releases MarketCenter Enhancements, Certifies Options Software
R.J. O'Brien Acquires Zap Futures
Electronic Futures Trading Platform Is Introduced
Market News, Hotspot FX Team Up
FutureSource Releases Xtra 5.3
QQQ Trading Charts Service Offered
Euronext.liffe Launches Options
Free Market Hotline
BrokerTec, Trading Technologies To Launch Execution Marketplace
XpressTrade To Place Trailing Stops
Interactive Brokers Lowers Futures Commissions For Pros
TradeStation 8 Is Launched
StockShare Publishing Releases Software Upgrade
Strategic Trading Offers New System
or return to May 2004 Contents
eSignal Releases MarketCenter Enhancements, Certifies Options Software
eSignal announced enhancements to its MarketCenter web-based service that provides real-time access to streaming market quotes from exchanges worldwide. The latest enhancements include four advanced services that can be added onto MarketCenter, providing a more customizable solution for the delivery of market quotes and analytics. A free 30-day trial is available that includes access to add-on services (plus exchange fees for Nasdaq services).
In addition, eSignal has certified its options scanning software, Option Wizard Scan. It retrieves and analyzes options on single-ticker symbols in addition to entire lists, and finds and ranks the best options strategies. It is priced at $499. A free seven-day trial is available.
Finally, Hamzei Analytics said it entered a Partners Program arrangement with eSignal to provide trading solutions for active traders. Hamzei Analytics will teach in the eSignal Online University, provide selective use of its proprietary market sentiment indicators, and write articles for its online newsletter, "The Exchange.",,,
R.J. O'Brien Acquires Zap Futures
R.J. O'Brien and Associates (RJO), a futures commission merchant, has acquired Zap Futures, a pioneer in electronic futures trading. William Kaiser, founder and president of Zap Futures, and his partner, Rick Gallwas, will manage RJOFutures, the retail division of R.J. O'Brien, and be an integral part in developing products for RJO's introducing broker network. Zap's two main business areas are electronics (trading software and applications) and systems and managed money trading.
Electronic Futures Trading Platform Is Introduced
PhotonTrader, the electronic trading division of FuturePath Trading, was developed to provide the active trader with a fast and secure trading platform that ensures your trades are first in, first executed. Photon's architecture creates a seamless backup system and offers one-click trading modules. Photon has a 24-hour support desk that can perform order discovery and alternate executions, and offers global exchange access at no extra charge.
Market News, Hotspot FX Team Up
Hotspot FX and Market News International (MNI) announced that Hotspot FX is providing MNI's breaking foreign exchange news, analysis, and archived database free to its clientele. MNI is a source for news about foreign currency and fixed-income markets around the world.,
FutureSource Releases Xtra 5.3
FutureSource has released the latest version of its real-time browser-based application. Xtra 5.3 includes a streamlined installation process, new website, and additional product functionality for improved technical analysis. Features include compatibility with Sun's Java Virtual Machine (JVM) (version 1.4.2/higher) and Microsoft's JVM. For new users, the North American package starts at $90 a month. A free 14-day trial is available.
QQQ Trading Charts Service Offered has introduced its QQQ Trading Charts service for day- and swing traders of the QQQs, Nasdaq 100 stocks, and mirror funds. The service provides annotated technical charts through the day with entry/exit target windows and key breakout/breakdown levels for the Qs. It also provides timing and pattern recognition assistance. A free 30-day trial is available.
Euronext.liffe Launches Options
Euronext.liffe has launched one-year mid-curve options on the three-month eurodollar futures contract. The options will be in addition to the three-month eurodollar futures and options contracts on LIFFE Connect. In addition, Euronext.liffe Brussels announced the launch of American-style options on Belgacom shares. The options will be tradable via LIFFE Connect and cleared via Lch.Clearnet's C21 clearing system.
Free Market Hotline
The Wired Trader now offers a free daily market hotline on the SPX index. The website provides daily updates and historical performance figures based on its technical market indicator. Developed for short-term options trading, the website may be valuable for trading SPX-related instruments or market timing purposes.
BrokerTec, Trading Technologies To Launch Execution Marketplace
BrokerTec and Trading Technologies has launched a marketplace to execute trades in Treasury benchmark issues. Market veterans will be able to trade Treasury issues with futures-style execution on the BrokerTec platform to access the new marketplace. Mutual clients will be able to transact outright cash instruments as well as cash instruments against futures.
In other news, Trading Technologies and Eurex will offer a free 90-day trial of TT's X_Trader front-end software to new customers in continental Europe. This offer will provide access to Eurex, Eurex US, and Xetra until June 30, 2004., www.broke
XpressTrade To Place Trailing Stops
XpressTrade said its customers now had the ability to place trailing stop orders. This order allows traders to profit from favorable market movement while having the protection of a stop order, and frees the trader from having to constantly monitor the market. Once the primary order has been executed, the system activates the trailing stop and computes the initial stop price. The order's price is adjusted as the market fluctuates.
Interactive Brokers Lowers Futures Commissions For Pros
Interactive Brokers has begun to offer a new "unbundled" futures commission structure that provides its professional customers with lower exchange product fees and discounts for volume. This new fee schedule charges for the execution, clearing, carrying, exchange, and regulatory costs of a futures trade by product with a sliding scale for volume. In addition, professional customers who are part of a special exchange pricing program can now automatically receive the benefits of the special pricing in their unbundled rates.
TradeStation 8 Is Launched
TradeStation said it had launched TradeStation 8. The new product will be rolled out to new clients and existing brokerage and subscriber client base in phases. New features include: integrated direct-access options execution, automated execution of options strategies, enhanced options analysis window, market depth for options, extended historical data for foreign exchange, and account historical performance.
In other news, TradeStation Securities purchased a seat on the American Stock Exchange (AMEX) and will directly trade both equities and options on the exchange.
StockShare Publishing Releases Software Upgrade
StockShare Publishing has released version 1.4.0 of StockShareV2 stock charting software. StockShareV2 is an end-of-day, Internet-based stock charting software application that accesses more than 130,000 stock, commodities, and currency symbols with up to 20 years of historical data and 30 countries.
Strategic Trading Offers New System
Strategic Trading Systems has released a new trading system. Fusion reduces correlation to other systems that the company offers and it can be used as an add-on system or individually. The logic is designed to capture long-term trends in a short-term manner. Fusion looks to enter trending markets for the long haul, and it also has a mechanism to capture windfall profits quickly.