January 2013

Here is this month’s selection of Traders’ Tips, contributed by various developers of technical analysis software to help readers more easily implement some of the strategies presented in this and other issues.

Other code appearing in articles in this issue is posted in the Subscriber Area of our website at Login requires your last name and subscription number (from mailing label). Once logged in, scroll down to beneath the “Optimized trading systems” area until you see “Code from articles.” From there, code can be copied and pasted into the appropriate technical analysis program so that no retyping of code is required for subscribers.

You can copy these formulas and programs for easy use in your spreadsheet or analysis software. Simply “select” the desired text by highlighting as you would in any word processing program, then use your standard key command for copy or choose “copy” from the browser menu. The copied text can then be “pasted” into any open spreadsheet or other software by selecting an insertion point and executing a paste command. By toggling back and forth between an application window and the open web page, data can be transferred with ease.

Tips Article Thumbnail

For this month’s Traders’ Tips, the focus is Barbara Star’s article in this issue, “The DMI Stochastic.” Here we present the January 2013 Traders’ Tips code.

Source code for eSignal is already provided in Star’s article by the author, and subscribers will find this code in the Subscriber Area of our website, (Click on “Article Code” from our homepage.) Presented here is additional code and possible implementations for other software.



In the article “The DMI Stochastic” in this issue, author Barbara Star describes the use of a DMI oscillator indicator and a DMI stochastic indicator to help time entries into markets.

Potential long entries exist when the DMI oscillator is above zero and the DMI stochastic is oversold and potential short entries exist when the DMI oscillator is below zero and the DMI stochastic is overbought. For more on entry conditions, please reference Star’s article.

Based on this, we are providing four studies with two accompanying functions. The four studies have been applied to a chart of IBM and can be seen in the chart in Figure 1. The PaintBar study was used to paint the bars red or blue based on the DMI oscillator value (above or below zero). The ShowMe (dot markers in price subgraph) study is used to identify reversals of the DMI stochastic as described by Star.

Image 1

FIGURE 1: TRADESTATION, FOUR STUDIES. Here is a daily bar chart of IBM with the four studies applied.

The two indicators provided here are for the DMI oscillator and the DMI stochastic extreme as described in the article. Once you have the studies applied to your chart, you can save this analysis group to allow for quicker application to another chart. To save the analysis group once you have the chart set up as desired, from the main platform, select Format→Save Analysis Group from the menus.

To download the EasyLanguage code for this strategy, first navigate to the EasyLanguage FAQs and Reference Posts Topic in the EasyLanguage Support Forum (, scroll down, and click on the link labeled “Traders’ Tips, TASC.” Then select the appropriate link for the month and year. The ELD filename is “_DMI_Stochastic.ELD.”

The EasyLanguage code is also shown below.

_DMI Oscillator ( Indicator )

{ "The DMI Stochastic" }
{ Barbara Star, PhD }
{ TASC, January 2013  }

	int DMILength( 10 ), { DMI calculation length }
	bool PlotOBandOSLines( true ),
	double OverBought( 20 ),
	double OverSold( -20 ),
	bool ColorCellBGOnOBorOS( true ), { if true, cell 
	 background color will be if DMI Oscillator is in
	 overbought or oversold territory }
	int BackgroundColorOnOBorOS( DarkGray ) ; { if 
	 ColorCellBGOnOBorOS is true, this input specifies
	 the color to which the cell background will be 
	 changed;  if ColorCellBGOnOBorOS is false, then 
	 this input has no effect }
	intrabarpersist bool InAChart( false ),
	double DMIOsc( 0 ) ; { holds DMI Oscillator 
	 value }

once { determine if the application is a chart  }
	InAChart = 
	 GetAppInfo( aiApplicationType ) = cChart ;

{ calculate the DMI oscillator value }	
DMIOsc = _DMI_Oscillator( DMILength ) ;

{ plot the DMI oscillator value }
Plot1( DMIOsc, "DMIOsc" ) ;
if InAChart then
	Plot2( DMIOsc, "DMIOscL" ) ; { line plot }

if PlotOBandOSLines then
	Plot3( OverBought, "OverBought" ) ;
	Plot4( OverSold, "OverSold" ) ;
	end ;
{ grid application specifics }
if ColorCellBGOnOBorOS then { if true, set the 
 background color if the DMI Oscillator is overbought
 or oversold; note that SetPlotBGColor has no effect
 in Charting }
	if DMIOsc > OverBought then
		SetPlotBGColor( 3,  
		 BackgroundColorOnOBorOS ) ;
	if DMIOsc < OverSold then
		SetPlotBGColor( 4, 
		 BackgroundColorOnOBorOS ) ;
	end ;
{ alerts }
if AlertEnabled then
	if DMIOsc > OverBought then
		Alert( "DMI Oscillator overbought." ) ;
	if DMIOsc < OverSold then
		Alert( "DMI Oscillator oversold." ) ;
	end ;

_DMI Stochastic Extreme ( Indicator )

{ "The DMI Stochastic" }
{ Barbara Star, PhD }
{ TASC, January 2013  }

	int DMILength( 10 ), { DMI calculation length }
	int HLPeriod( 3 ),
	int SumPeriod( 3 ),
	bool PlotMarkers( true ),
	int OBCrossColor( Magenta ), { dot color for cross
	 of OverBought level }
	int OSCrossColor( Cyan ), { dot color for cross of
	 OverSold level }
	double OverBought( 90 ), { overbought level }
	double OverSold( 10 ) ; { oversold level }
	double DMIStoch( 0 ) ; { holds DMI Stochastic 
	 value }
DMIStoch = _DMI_Stochastic_Extreme( DMILength, 
 HLPeriod, SumPeriod ) ;

{ plots }
Plot1( DMIStoch, "DMIStoch" ) ;
Plot2( OverBought, "OverBought" ) ;
Plot3( OverSold, "OverSold" ) ;

{ alerts and markers }
if DMIStoch crosses over OverSold then
	if PlotMarkers then
		Plot4( DMIStoch, "OSCross", OSCrossColor ) ;
	Alert( "DMIStoch crossed over oversold." ) ;
if DMIStoch crosses under OverBought then
	if PlotMarkers then
		Plot5( DMIStoch, "OBCross", OBCrossColor ) ;
	Alert( "DMIStoch crossed under overbought." ) ;
	end ;

_DMI Oscillator PB ( PaintBar )

{ "The DMI Stochastic" }
{ Barbara Star, PhD }
{ TASC, January 2013  }

	int DMILength( 10 ), { DMI calculation length }
	int UpColor( Blue ), { PaintBar color if DMI 
	 Oscillator is greater than 0 }
	int DownColor( Red ) ; { PaintBar color if DMI 
	 Oscillator is less than or equal to 0 }
	double DMIOsc( 0 ), { holds DMI Oscillator value }
	int PlotColor( 0 ) ; { PaintBar Color }

{ calculate the DMI oscillator value }	
DMIOsc = _DMI_Oscillator( DMILength ) ;

{ set PaintBar color based on DMI Oscillator value }
if DMIOsc > 0 then
	PlotColor = UpColor
	PlotColor = DownColor ;

PlotPaintBar( High, Low, Open, Close, "DMIOscPB", 
 PlotColor ) ;

_DMI Stochastic Reversal ( ShowMe )

{ "The DMI Stochastic" }
{ Barbara Star, PhD }
{ TASC, January 2013  }

	int DMILength( 10 ), { DMI calculation length }
	int HLPeriod( 3 ),
	int SumPeriod( 3 ),
	int DMIStochMALength( 3 ),
	bool PlotMarkers( true ),
	double CrossOverPlotPrice( Low ), { dot location
	 when DMIStoch crosses over its moving average }
	double CrossUnderPlotPrice( High ), { dot location
	 when DMIStoch crosses under its moving average }
	int CrossOverColor( Cyan ), { dot color for 
	 DMIStoch cross over moving average }
	int CrossUnderColor( Magenta ) ; { dot color for 
	 DMIStoch cross under  moving average }

	double DMIStoch( 0 ), { holds DMI Stochastic 
	 value }
	double DMIStochMA( 0 ) ; { moving average of DMI
	 Stochastic value }
DMIStoch = _DMI_Stochastic_Extreme( DMILength, 
 HLPeriod, SumPeriod ) ;

DMIStochMA = Average( DMIStoch, DMIStochMALength ) ;

if CurrentBar > DMIStochMALength then { ensure 
 adequate bars have been calculated to obtain valid
 values }
	if DMIStoch crosses over DMIStochMA then
		if PlotMarkers then
			Plot1( CrossOverPlotPrice, "CrossOver", 
			 CrossOverColor ) ;
		Alert( "DMIStoch crossed over MA." ) ;
		end ;
	if DMIStoch crosses under DMIStochMA then
		if PlotMarkers then
			Plot2( CrossUnderPlotPrice, "CrossUnder", 
			 CrossUnderColor ) ;
		Alert( "DMIStoch crossed under MA." ) ;
		end ;	
	end ;

_DMI_Oscillator ( Function )

{ "The DMI Stochastic" }
{ Barbara Star, PhD }
{ TASC, January 2013  }

	int DMILength( numericsimple ) ; { length for
	 DMI calculations }

	double DMIPlusValue( 0 ),
	double DMIMinusValue( 0 ),
	double DMIOsc( 0 ) ;

once { function designed for Daily, Weekly, or Monthly
	if BarType < 2 or BarType > 4 then 
		RaiseRunTimeError( "_DMI_Oscillator " +
		 "function designed to work with Daily, " +
		 "Weekly, or Monthly Bars" ) ;
	end ;
DMIPlusValue = DMIPlus( DMILength ) ;
DMIMinusValue = DMIMinus( DMILength ) ;
DMIOsc = DMIPlusValue - DMIMinusValue ;
_DMI_Oscillator = DMIOsc ;

{ force series function, since otherwise this function 
can verify as simple, but needs to be called at every 
bar to return correct results }
if false then
	Value1 = _DMI_Oscillator[1] ;

_DMI_Stochastic_Extreme ( Function )

{ "The DMI Stochastic" }
{ Barbara Star, PhD }
{ TASC, January 2013  }

	int DMILength( numericsimple ), { DMI calc 
	 length }
	int HLPeriod( numericsimple ),
	int SumPeriod( numericsimple ) ;
	double DMIOsc( 0 ), { holds DMI Oscillator 
	 value }
	double HighestDMIOsc( 0 ),
	double LowestDMIOsc( 0 ),
	double DMIStoch( 0 ), { holds DMI Stochastic 
	 value }
	double SumNumerator( 0 ), { numerator sum }
	double SumDenominator( 0 ), { denominator sum }
	int LoopCounter( 0 ) ;
{ calculate the DMI oscillator value }	
DMIOsc = _DMI_Oscillator( DMILength ) ;

HighestDMIOsc = Highest( DMIOsc, HLPeriod ) ;
LowestDMIOsc = Lowest( DMIOsc, HLPeriod ) ;

SumNumerator = 0 ;
SumDenominator = 0 ;

for LoopCounter = 0 to SumPeriod - 1
	SumNumerator += DMIOsc[LoopCounter] - 
	 LowestDMIOsc[LoopCounter] ;
	SumDenominator += HighestDMIOsc[LoopCounter] - 
	 LowestDMIOsc[LoopCounter] ;
	end ;

if SumDenominator > 0 then
	DMIStoch = SumNumerator / SumDenominator * 100 ;

_DMI_Stochastic_Extreme = DMIStoch ; 

This article is for informational purposes. No type of trading or investment recommendation, advice, or strategy is being made, given, or in any manner provided by TradeStation Securities or its affiliates.

—Chris Imhof
TradeStation Securities, Inc.




Barbara Star’s article in this issue, “The DMI Stochastic,” includes multiple formulas. The MetaStock version of those formulas are listed here, courtesy of Star.

Name:  DMI Osc


Change the line style to a histogram.  Once the histogram is plotted, place a one period simple moving average on the DMI Oscillator to outline the shape.

Name:  DMI Stochastic

 (Sum(PDI(10)-MDI(10)-LLV(PDI(10)-MDI(10 ),3),3)/
Sum(HHV(PDI(10)-MDI(10),3)-LLV(PDI(10)-MDI(10 ),3),3))*100

Expert Advisor:


Name: DMI Oscillator Above Zero
Color: Blue

Fml("DMI Osc") > 0

Name: DMI Oscillator Below Zero
Color: Red

Fml("DMI Osc") < 0


Name: Lower Extreme
Symbol: Up Arrow
Color: Green
Position: Below Prices

(Fml("DMI Stochastic")>10)AND When(Ref(Fml("DMI Stochastic"),-1)<=10)

Name: Upper Extreme
Symbol: Down Arrow
Color: Red 
Position: Above Prices

(Fml("DMI Stochastic")<90)AND When(Ref(Fml("1 A DMI Stochastic"),-1)>=90)

Name: Reversal Alerts to Upside
Symbol: Diamond
Color: Green
Position: Below Prices

Cross(Fml("DMI Stochastic"),Mov(Fml("DMI Stochastic"),3,S))

Name: Reversal Alerts to Downside
Symbol: Diamond
Color: Red 
Position: Above Prices

Cross(Mov(Fml("DMI Stochastic"),3,S),(Fml("DMI Stochastic")))

—William Golson, MetaStock Technical Support
Thomson Reuters




In “The DMI Stochastic” in this issue, author Barbara Star provides an in-depth discussion on how to use two classic technical analysis calculations in conjunction with each other to deliver one new study. The classic studies used are the directional movement index (DMI) and a stochastic oscillator. The DMI oscillator combines the trending recognition of the DMI with the trading level (overbought or oversold) indication of the stochastic. This results in a much faster and more responsive oscillator that is based on trending direction.

We have created several studies for thinkorswim users in our proprietary scripting language, thinkScript. Adjust the parameters of the study within the Edit Studies window to fine-tune behavior.

A sample chart is shown in Figure 2.

Image 1

FIGURE 2: THINKORSWIM. Here are the DMI oscillator and DMI stochastic extreme oscillator on a thinkorswim chart of the NASDAQ.

The studies:

  1. From TOS charts, select Studies → Edit Studies
  2. Select the “Studies” tab in the upper left-hand corner
  3. Select “New” in the lower left-hand corner
  4. Name the oscillator study (such as, “DMI_Oscillator”)
  5. Click in the script editor window, remove “plot data = close,” and paste in the thinkorswim code associated with the study that you would like to add:
declare lower;

input length = 10;
input paintBars = yes;

def diPlus = DMI(length)."DI+";
def diMinus = DMI(length)."DI-";

plot Osc = diPlus - diMinus;
plot Hist = Osc;
plot ZeroLine = 0;

Hist.DefineColor("Positive", Color.UPTICK);
Hist.DefineColor("Negative", Color.DOWNTICK);
Hist.AssignValueColor(if Hist > 0 then Hist.Color("Positive") else Hist.Color("Negative"));

DefineGlobalColor("Positive", Color.UPTICK);
DefineGlobalColor("Negative", Color.DOWNTICK);
AssignPriceColor(if !paintBars
    then Color.CURRENT
    else if Osc > 0
        then globalColor("Positive")
        else globalColor("Negative"));

input length = 10;
input highLowLength = 3;
input sumLength = 3;
input averageLength = 3;

def diPlus = DMI(length)."DI+";
def diMinus = DMI(length)."DI-";
def osc = diPlus - diMinus;
def hh = Highest(osc, highLowLength);
def ll = Lowest(osc, highLowLength);
def stoch = Sum(osc - ll, sumLength) / (Sum(hh - ll, sumLength)) * 100;
def avgStoch = Average(stoch, averageLength);

plot Above = stoch crosses above avgStoch;
plot Below = stoch crosses below avgStoch;


declare lower;

input length = 10;
input highLowLength = 3;
input sumLength = 3;
input over_bought = 90;
input over_sold = 10;

def diPlus = DMI(length)."DI+";
def diMinus = DMI(length)."DI-";
def osc = diPlus - diMinus;
def hh = Highest(osc, highLowLength);
def ll = Lowest(osc, highLowLength);

plot Stoch = Sum(osc - ll, sumLength) / (Sum(hh - ll, sumLength)) * 100;
plot OverBought = over_bought;
plot OverSold = over_sold;
plot Up = if Stoch crosses above over_sold then over_sold + 5 else Double.NaN;
plot Down = if Stoch crosses below over_bought then over_bought - 5 else Double.NaN;


A division of TD Ameritrade, Inc.




In “The DMI Stochastic” in this issue, author Barbara Star presents a number of simple but universal oscillator setups that help get into a position, be it a trade in the direction of trend or a countertrend opportunity. The author applies stochastics to Wilder’s directional oscillator (+DI minus -DI), and uses both to identify the trend.

Most discussions of trading techniques are centered around entries into trades. But in truth, a trading system’s success ultimately depends on exits, position sizing, and portfolio selection — not entries. Unfortunately, the DMI stochastic is not a complete trading system. To compensate, we have added two generic exit strategies to evaluate its performance: a fixed-bars exit that terminates a position once the specified number of days in the position has been reached; and a combination of profitable/losing closes. These techniques can be used to backtest almost any entry style without adding prejudice.

Entry rules

  1. Pullback entry:
    1. Buy at the open on the next bar if the DMI oscillator is above zero and the DMI stochastic crosses above 10.
    2. Short at the open on the next bar if the DMI oscillator is below zero and the DMI stochastic crosses below 90.
  2. Countertrend entry:
    1. Short at the open on the next bar if the DMI oscillator crosses under -20.
    2. Buy at the open on the next bar if the DMI oscillator crosses above 20.

Exit rules

  1. Fixed bars: Exit at the open on the next bar when the specified number of days has been reached.
  2. Profitable and losing closes (a profitable close is a close in the direction of a trade; vice versa for a losing close):
    1. Exit at the open on the next bar after reaching the specified number of profitable closes.
    2. Exit at the open on the next bar after reaching the specified number of losing closes.

Both the entries and exits can be applied separately; the choice is up to the user. To switch between the different entry and exit styles, drag the respective slider in the “Strategy parameter” box on the lower-left of the program’s workspace. The resulting strategy is available to Wealth-Lab users for downloading right inside the program; simply click the “download...” button in the application's “Open strategy” dialog.

A sample chart is shown in Figure 3 implementing this strategy.

Image 1

FIGURE 3: WEALTH-LAB. This daily chart of the QQQ illustrates the application of the DMI oscillator/DMI stochastic.

C# Code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using WealthLab;
using WealthLab.Indicators;

namespace WealthLab.Strategies
	public class Star201301 : WealthScript
		private StrategyParameter paramEntryType;
		private StrategyParameter paramExitType;
		private StrategyParameter paramFixedBars;
		private StrategyParameter paramProfitableClosesTrend;
		private StrategyParameter paramProfitableClosesCT;
		private StrategyParameter paramLosingCloses;
		public Star201301()
			paramEntryType = CreateParameter("Entry type", 0, 0, 2, 1);
			paramExitType = CreateParameter("Exit style", 0, 0, 1, 1);
			paramFixedBars = CreateParameter("Fixed bars", 5, 1, 30, 1);
			paramProfitableClosesTrend = CreateParameter("Prft closes (trend)", 10, 1, 15, 1);
			paramProfitableClosesCT = CreateParameter("Prft closes (CT)", 5, 1, 15, 1);
			paramLosingCloses = CreateParameter("Losing closes", 3, 1, 15, 1);
		protected override void Execute()
			int EntryType = paramEntryType.ValueInt == 0 ? 0 : paramEntryType.ValueInt == 1 ? 1 : 2;
			int pBars = 0; int lBars = 0;
			int FixedBars = paramFixedBars.ValueInt;							// Exit after N fixed bars
			int ProfitableClosesTrend = paramProfitableClosesTrend.ValueInt; 	// Number of profitable closes, trend mode
			int ProfitableClosesCounter = paramProfitableClosesCT.ValueInt;		// Number of profitable closes, counter-trend mode
			int LosingCloses = paramLosingCloses.ValueInt;						// Number of losing closes
			DIPlus dmp = DIPlus.Series( Bars,10 ); 								// DMI Oscillator
			DIMinus dmm = DIMinus.Series( Bars,10 );
			DataSeries dmo = dmp - dmm;
			dmo.Description = "DMI Oscillator";
			ChartPane dmoPane = CreatePane( 30,true,true );
			PlotSeries( dmoPane, dmo, Color.Red, LineStyle.Histogram, 3 );

			DataSeries dmiStoch = new DataSeries( dmo, "DMI Stochastic" );		// DMI Stochastic - direct calculation
			Highest hDmo = Highest.Series( dmo, 10 );
			Lowest lDmo = Lowest.Series( dmo, 10 );
			dmiStoch = 100 * ( dmo - lDmo ) / ( hDmo - lDmo );
			dmiStoch = SMA.Series( dmiStoch, 3 );
			dmiStoch.Description = "DMI Stochastic #1";
			ChartPane dmsPane = CreatePane( 30,true,true );
			PlotSeries( dmsPane, dmiStoch, Color.Red, LineStyle.Solid, 2 );
			Bars dmiBars = new Bars("DMI Bars (" + Bars.Symbol+")",Bars.Scale,Bars.BarInterval);
			for(int bar = 0; bar < Bars.Count; bar++)
				dmiBars.Add( Bars.Date[bar], dmo[bar], dmo[bar], dmo[bar], dmo[bar], 0 );
			dmiBars = Synchronize( dmiBars );									// DMI Stochastic - version #2
			DataSeries dmiStoch2 = StochD.Series( dmiBars, 10, 3 );
			dmiStoch2.Description = "DMI Stochastic #2";
			ChartPane dmsPane2 = CreatePane( 30,true,true );
			PlotSeries( dmsPane2, dmiStoch2, Color.Green, LineStyle.Solid, 2 );
			DrawHorzLine( dmsPane2, 10, Color.Blue, LineStyle.Dashed, 1 );
			DrawHorzLine( dmsPane2, 90, Color.Red, LineStyle.Dashed, 1 );
			for(int bar = GetTradingLoopStartBar(10); bar < Bars.Count; bar++)
				SetBarColor( bar, dmo[bar] > 0 ? Color.DarkBlue : Color.Red );
				if (IsLastPositionActive)
					Position p = LastPosition;
					if( paramExitType.ValueInt == 0 ) 							// Fixed bars
						if ( bar+1 - p.EntryBar >= FixedBars )
							ExitAtMarket( bar+1, p, "Timed" );
					{															// Profitable/losing closes
						if( p.PositionType == PositionType.Long )
							if( Bars.Close[bar] > p.EntryPrice )
								if( Bars.Close[bar] < p.EntryPrice )
							if( Bars.Close[bar] < p.EntryPrice )
								if( Bars.Close[bar] > p.EntryPrice )
						if( p.EntrySignal == "Pullback" )
							if( pBars >= ProfitableClosesTrend )
								ExitAtMarket( bar+1, p, "Profitable Closes.Pullback" );
							if( p.EntrySignal == "Countertrend" )
							if( pBars >= ProfitableClosesCounter )
								ExitAtMarket( bar+1, p, "Profitable Closes.CounterTrend" );
						if( lBars >= LosingCloses )
							ExitAtMarket( bar+1, p, "Losing Closes" );
					Position p = null;
					// Pullback entries

					if( EntryType == 0 || EntryType == 1 )
						if( dmo[bar] > 0 && CrossOver( bar, dmiStoch2, 10 ) )
							p = BuyAtMarket( bar+1, "Pullback" );
						if( dmo[bar] < 0 && CrossUnder( bar, dmiStoch2, 90 ) )
							p = ShortAtMarket( bar+1, "Pullback" );
					// Countertrend entries
					if( EntryType == 0 || EntryType == 2 )
						if( p == null )
							if( CrossUnder( bar, dmo, 20 ) )
								p = ShortAtMarket( bar+1, "Countertrend" );
								if( CrossOver( bar, dmo, -20 ) )
								p = BuyAtMarket( bar+1, "Countertrend" );
					if( p != null )
						pBars = 0; lBars = 0;

Wealth-Lab team




In “The DMI Stochastic” in this issue, Barbara Star presents a trading technique using the directional movement index (DMI) and stochastic DMI.

A ready-to-use formula for the DMI is presented in Listing 1 and the formula for stochastic DMI is given in Listing 2. To display these indicators, simply type them in the Formula Editor and press “Apply indicator.” A sample chart is shown in Figure 4.

Image 1

FIGURE 4: AMIBROKER. Here is a daily chart of AMGN with the DMI oscillator (middle pane) and the stochastic DMI (bottom pane).


// DMI Oscillator 
Version( 5.60 ); // 

range = Param("range", 10, 2, 100 ); 
DMI = PDI( range ) - MDI( range ); 

SetGradientFill( colorGreen, colorRed, 0, GetChartBkColor() ); 
Plot( DMI, "DMI Oscillator" + _PARAM_VALUES(), 
      colorDefault, styleLine | styleGradient );


function StochDMI( range, srange, smooth ) 
 DMI = PDI( range ) - MDI( range ); 

 Hd = HHV( DMI, srange ); 
 Ld = LLV( DMI, srange ); 

 FSDMI = 100 * Sum( DMI - Ld, smooth ) / Sum( Hd - Ld, smooth ); 

 return FSDMI; 

range = Param("DMI range", 10, 1 ); 
srange = Param("Stoch range", 3, 1 ); 
smooth = Param("Smoothing range", 3, 1 ); 

Plot( StochDMI( range, 3, smooth ), "StochDMI" + _PARAM_VALUES(),         colorDefault, styleThick ); 
PlotGrid( 10, colorGreen ); 
PlotGrid( 90, colorRed ); 
PlotGrid( 50 ); 

—Tomasz Janeczko,




The DMI stochastic and accompanying indicators described by Barbara Star in her article in this issue, “The DMI Stochastic,” can be easily implemented with a few of NeuroShell Trader’s 800+ indicators and Advanced Indicator Set #2. Simply select “New indicator” from the Insert menu and use the Indicator Wizard to set up the following indicators:

DMI Oscillator:  Subtract( PlusDI( High, Low, Close, 10 ), MinusDI( High, Low, Close, 10 ) )

DMI Stochastic:  Simple Stochastic Slow%D ( DMIOscillator, 10, 3, 3 )

UpTrend Entry:  And2( A>B( DMIOscillator, 0 ), CrossAbove( DMIStochastic, 10 ) )

DownTrend Entry:  And2( A<B( DMIOscillator, 0 ), CrossBelow( DMIStochastic, 90 ) )

Reversal Alert: Or2( MovAvgCrossAbove( DMIStochastic, 1, 3), MovAvgCrossBelow ( DMIStochastic, 1 ,3)

UpTrend Countertrend:  And2( A>B( DMIOscillator, 20 ), CrossBelow( DMIStochastic, 90 ) )

DownTrend Countertrend:  And2( A<B( DMIOscillator, -20 ), CrossAbove( DMIStochastic, 10 ) )

Users of NeuroShell Trader can go to the Stocks & Commodities section of the NeuroShell Trader free technical support website to download a copy of this or any past Traders’ Tips.

A sample chart is shown in Figure 5.

Image 1

FIGURE 5: NEUROSHELL TRADER. This NeuroShell Trader chart displays the DMI oscillator, DMI stochastic, trend, reversal, and countertrend signals.

—Marge Sherald, Ward Systems Group, Inc.
301 662-7950,




The AIQ code based on Barbara Star’s article in this issue, “The DMI Stochastic,” is provided at

To test the author’s DMI stochastic indicator, I used the NASDAQ 100 list of stocks and AIQ’s Portfolio Manager. A long-only trading simulation was run with the following capitalization, cost, and exit settings:

I coded three similar test systems. The first is the basic system that uses the author’s parameters of 10 (buy signal) and 90 (sell signal) on the DMI stochastic indicator. A stock has a buy signal when it has both a positive DMI oscillator and the DMI stochastic is below the buy level.

In Figure 6, I show the resulting long-only equity curve compared to the S&P 500 index for the basic system with the 10 buy-level parameter. For the period 12/30/1994 to 11/9/2012, the system returned an average internal rate of return of 11.6% with a maximum drawdown of 68.7% on 2/6/2003 and a Sharpe ratio of 0.50.

Image 1

FIGURE 6: AIQ, BASIC SYSTEM VS. S&P 500. Here is the long-only equity curve (blue) for the basic system compared to the S&P 500 (red) for the test period 12/30/1994 to 11/9/2012 trading the NASDAQ 100 list of stocks.

I also tried increasing the buy-level parameter up to 70, which improved the return somewhat. I added a trend filter using the 50-bar moving average of the S&P 500 index, but it resulted in a reduced return without improving the maximum drawdown very much. The equity curve for this test is not shown. For the period 12/30/1994 to 11/9/2012, this system returned an average internal rate of return of 8.5% with a maximum drawdown of 46.1% on 10/2/1998 and a Sharpe ratio of 0.46.

Finally, I tried adding an ADX filter such that the ADX level had to be above 30 to allow a signal. However, I also left the buy level at the high value of 70. In Figure 7, I show the resulting long-only equity curve for the basic system versus this modified ADX system. For the period 12/30/1994 to 11/9/2012, the system returned an average internal rate of return of 12.1% with a maximum drawdown of 56.1% on 2/6/2003 and a Sharpe ratio of 0.46.

Image 1

FIGURE 7: AIQ, BASIC SYSTEM VS. MODIFIED SYSTEM. Here, the long-only equity curves are compared for the modified ADX system (blue) versus the basic system (red) for the test period 12/30/1994 to 11/9/2012 trading the NASDAQ 100 list of stocks.

The code and EDS file can be downloaded from, and is shown below.

!Author: Barbara Star, TASC January 2013
!Coded by: Richard Denning 11/05/12

   wLen is 10.
   sLen is 3.
   buyLvl is 70.
   exitBuyLvl is 0.
   sellLvl is 55.
   exitSellLvl is 0.

   H is [high].
   L is [low].
   C is [close].
   C1 is valresult(C,1).
   H1 is valresult(H,1).
   L1 is valresult(L,1).

! NOTE: Wilder to expontential averaging the formula is:
!  Wilder length * 2 - 1 = exponential averaging length
   eLen is wLen * 2 - 1.
   TR  is Max(H-L,max(abs(C1-L),abs(C1-H))).
   ATR  is expAvg(TR,eLen).

   rhigh is (H-H1).
   rlow is (L1-L).
   DMplus is iff(rhigh > 0 and rhigh > rlow, rhigh, 0).
   DMminus is iff(rlow > 0 and rlow >= rhigh, rlow, 0).
   AvgPlusDM is expAvg(DMplus,eLen).
   AvgMinusDM is expavg(DMminus,eLen).
   PlusDMI is (AvgPlusDM/ATR)*100.		
   MinusDMI is AvgMinusDM/ATR*100.

   DMIosc is PlusDMI - MinusDMI.   !Plot as historigram

   HH is highresult(DMIosc,wLen).
   LL is lowresult(DMIosc,wLen).
   DMI_STOCH is (DMIosc - LL) / (HH - LL) * 100.
   DMI_STO_SK is simpleavg(DMI_STOCH,sLen).
   DMI_STO_SD is simpleavg(DMI_STO_SK,sLen).  !Plot with 90/10 lines 		
   Buy if DMIosc > 0 and DMI_STO_SD <= 10.
   ExitBuy if DMIosc < 0.
   Sell if DMIosc < 0 and DMI_STO_SD <= 90.
   ExitSell if DMIosc > 0.
   SPXc is tickerUDF("SPX",C).
   SPXma is simpleavg(SPXc,50).
   BuyT if DMIosc > exitBuyLvl 
	and DMI_STO_SD <= buyLvl 
	and SPXma > valresult(SPXma,10).
   ExitBuyT if DMIosc < exitBuyLvl or SPXma < valresult(SPXma,10).
   BuyADX if DMIosc > exitBuyLvl 
	and DMI_STO_SD <= buyLvl 
	and ADX > 30.
   ExitBuyADX if DMIosc < exitBuyLvl.
   ZERO if PlusDMI = 0 and MinusDMI = 0.
   DIsum is PlusDMI + MinusDMI.
   DX is iff(ZERO,100,abs(DMIosc)/DIsum*100).
   ADX is expavg(DX,eLen).

List if C > 0.

—Richard Denning
for AIQ Systems




The TradersStudio code based on Barbara Star’s article in this issue, “The DMI Stochastic,” is provided at the following websites:

The following code files are provided in the download:


  1. lenDS = the length used for the DMI oscillator and the DMI stochastic indicators
  2. buyLvl = maximum value of DMI stochastic for a buy signal
  3. exitBuyLvl = minimum level on DMI oscillator before an exit for a long is generated
  4. sellLvl = minimum value of DMI stochastic for a sell signal
  5. exitSellLvl = maximum level on DMI oscillator before an exit for a short is generated
  6. longOnly — When set to 1, trade long only; when set to 2, trade short only; when set to zero, trade both long and short.

The rules of the test system are simple. Go long when:

  1. The DMI oscillator is greater than the exit level for longs indicating an uptrend, and
  2. The DMI stochastic is below the buy level.
  3. Exit longs when the DMI oscillator drops below the exit level for longs.

Go short when:

  1. The DMI oscillator is less than the exit level for shorts indicating a downtrend, and
  2. The DMI stochastic is above the sell level.
  3. Exit shorts when the DMI oscillator rises above the exit level of shorts.

I set up a test session using the S&P 500 futures contract, SP, using data from Pinnacle Data. I then optimized the parameters separately for the long and short side. Note that I did not optimize the length of the DMI but rather just used the author’s value of 10. Although trading both the long and short side together resulted in more profit, the equity curve became erratic compared to trading just the long side.

Image 1

FIGURE 8: TRADERSSTUDIO. Here is a three-dimensional parameter optimization graph for the system trading the S&P futures contract for the period 1982 through 2012.

In Figure 8, I show the parameter optimization map for trading just the long side with the system on the S&P contract from 4/21/1982 through 11/9/2012. The buy-level parameters between 65 and 80 together with the exit buy levels between -5 and +5 look good without any spikes in the map. I then ran a backtest trading one contract for the same period with parameter set buy level = 70 and exit buy level = 0 trading long only. The resulting equity curve and underwater equity curve are shown in Figure 9. The system returned a profit of $163,650 with a maximum drawdown of $64,150 on 9/25/2002.

Image 1

FIGURE 9: TRADERSSTUDIO. Here are the equity & underwater equity curves for the system using one of the better parameter sets from the optimization tests (buy level = 70, exit buy level = 0, long only).

'Author: Barbara Star, TASC January 2013
'Coded by: Richard Denning 11/05/12

Function SD(priceH As BarArray, priceL As BarArray, priceC As BarArray, stochLen, smoLen1, smoLen2)
 Dim HH As BarArray
 Dim LL As BarArray
 Dim Stoch As BarArray
 Dim SK As BarArray
 HH = Highest(priceH,stochLen,0)
 LL = Lowest(priceL,stochLen,0)
 If HH - LL <> 0 Then Stoch = (priceC - LL) / (HH - LL) * 100
 SK = Average(Stoch,smoLen1)
 SD = Average(SK,smoLen2)
End Function

 Dim DMIosc As BarArray
 DMIosc = dmiplus(lenDS,0) - dmiminus(lenDS,0)
 DMI_STOCHASTIC = SD(DMIosc,DMIosc,DMIosc,lenDS,3,3)
End Function

End Sub

Sub DMI_STOCHASTIC_IND(lenDS,buyLvl,sellLvl)
End Sub

Sub DMI_STOCHASTIC_SYS(lenDS,buyLvl,exitBuyLvl,sellLvl,exitSellLvl,longOnly)
 Dim DMIosc As BarArray
 Dim DMI_STOCH As BarArray
 DMIosc = dmiplus(lenDS,0)-dmiminus(lenDS,0)

 If longOnly = 1 Or longOnly = 0 Then
    If DMIosc > exitBuyLvl And DMI_STOCH <= buyLvl Then Buy("LE",1,0,Market,Day)
    If DMIosc < exitBuyLvl Then ExitLong("LX","LE",1,0,Market,Day)
 End If
 If longOnly = 2 Or longOnly = 0 Then
    If DMIosc < exitSellLvl And DMI_STOCH >= sellLvl Then Sell("SE",1,0,Market,Day)
    If DMIosc > exitSellLvl Then ExitShort("SX","SE",1,0,Market,Day)
 End If

End Sub

—Richard Denning
for TradersStudio




The indicators DMIOscillator and DMIStochasticExtreme, as discussed in “The DMI Stochastic” by Barbara Star in this issue, has been implemented as an indicator available for download at

Once you have downloaded it, from within the NinjaTrader Control Center window, select the menu File → Utilities → Import NinjaScript and select the downloaded file. This file is for NinjaTrader version 7 or greater.

You can review the indicator source code by selecting the menu Tools → Edit NinjaScript → Indicator from within the NinjaTrader Control Center window and selecting DMIOscillator or DMIStochasticExtreme.

NinjaScript uses compiled DLLs that run native, not interpreted, which provides you with the highest performance possible.

A sample chart implementing the strategy is shown in Figure 10.

Image 1

FIGURE 10: NINJATRADER. This screenshot shows the DMIOscillator and DMI-StochasticExtreme applied to a daily chart of Amgen Inc. (AMGN).

—Raymond Deux & Ryan Millard
NinjaTrader, LLC




This tip is based on “The DMI Stochastic” by Barbara Star in this issue.

In the article, Star derives two new indicators from the classic directional movement index (DMI). The first is an oscillator based on the difference between the +DI and -DI lines (DMI oscillator). The second parameterizes the DMI oscillator with a stochastic. The end result is two oscillators that capture three technical analysis basics: trend, momentum, and support/resistance, which can help to time trade entries and exits better.

The Updata code for this indicator has been entered in the Updata Library and may be downloaded by clicking the Custom menu and then Indicator Library. Those who cannot access the library due to a firewall may paste the code shown here into the Updata Custom editor and save it.

PARAMETER "DirMov Period" #Period=14 
PARAMETER "Stoch. Period" #StochPer=10  
PARAMETER "Stoch. Avg." #AvgPer=3  
PARAMETER "Stoch. Buy" #StochBUY=10
PARAMETER "Stoch. Sell" #StochSELL=90
COLOUR6 RGB(200,0,0)  
COLOUR7 RGB(200,0,0)
NAME "DMI-Osc Candles" ""
NAME5 "DMI-Stoch. Avg. [" #Period "|" #AvgPer "]" ""
   '1st Indicator
   '2nd Indicator
   'Colour Candle According to DMI Osc
   If @DirMovOsc>0 
      COLOUR RGB(0,0,200) 
      COLOUR RGB(200,0,0)
Image 1

FIGURE 11: UPDATA. This chart shows the daily S&P 500 index with candles colored according to the DMI oscillator above/below zero. The lower chart shows the 14-period DMI stochastic (smoothed three periods).

—Updata support team




The indicators discussed in “The DMI Stochastic” by Barbara Star in this issue can easily be used with our online charting tool at Just check the Infopedia section for our lexicon. You will see the indicator and the functions, which you can make available for your personal account. Click on it and select “open script.” You can then apply the indicator to any chart you wish (Figure 12).

Image 1

FIGURE 12: TRADESIGNAL ONLINE. Here, the DMI stochastic oscillator and the DMI stochastic strategy are displayed on a daily chart of eBay.

Source code for DMI stochastic oscillator.eqi

	Subchart( True ),
	Synopsis("The DMI Stochastic Oscillator based on Barbara Stars 01/2013 Article in Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities"),

	DMI_Period( 10 , 1 ),
	STO_Period( 10 , 1 ),
	STO_Fast_Smooth( 3 , 1 ),
	STO_Slow_Smooth( 3 , 1 ),
	Overbought_Level( 90 , 1 ),
	Oversold_Level( 10 , 1 );

	dmiOscillator, dmiStochastic;

dmiOscillator = DMO( DMI_Period );
StochasticExp( dmiOscillator, dmiOscillator, dmiOscillator, STO_Period, STO_Fast_Smooth, STO_Slow_Smooth, dmiStochastic, value1 );

DrawLine( dmiStochastic, "DMI Oscillator Stochastic", StyleSolid, 2, Blue );
DrawLIne( Overbought_Level, "Over Bought", StyleDash, 1, Black );
DrawLIne( Oversold_Level, "Over Sold", StyleDash, 1, Black );

// *** Copyright tradesignal GmbH ***
// *** ***

Source code for DMI stochastic strategy.eqs

	Subchart( False ),
	Synopsis("The DMI Stochastic Oscillator Strategy based on Barbara Stars 01/2013 Article in Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities"),

	DMI_Period( 10 , 1 ),
	STO_Period( 10 , 1 ),
	STO_Fast_Smooth( 3 , 1 ),
	STO_Slow_Smooth( 3 , 1 ),
	Overbought_Level( 90 , 1 ),
	Oversold_Level( 10 , 1 );

	dmiOscillator, dmiStochastic, longSig, shortSig;

dmiOscillator = DMO( DMI_Period );
StochasticExp( dmiOscillator, dmiOscillator, dmiOscillator, STO_Period, STO_Fast_Smooth, STO_Slow_Smooth, dmiStochastic, value1 );

longSig = dmiOscillator > 0 And dmiStochastic < Oversold_Level And Close > Open;
shortSig = dmiOscillator < 0 And dmiStochastic > Overbought_Level And Close < Open;

If longSig Then 
	Buy("DMI Stoch") Next Bar at Market
Else If shortSig Then
	Short("DMI Stoch") Next Bar at Market;
// *** Copyright tradesignal GmbH ***
// *** ***

—Henning Blumenthal, Tradesignal GmbH,




We’ve provided two short scripts for the DMI oscillator and DMI stochastic devised and discussed by Barbara Star in her article in this issue, “The DMI Stochastic.” A dialog box enables you to adjust the period length of each indicator if you prefer.

Image 1

FIGURE 13: SHARESCOPE. Here’s an example of the DMI oscillator and DMI stochastic implemented in ShareScope.

When adding indicators to a chart in ShareScope (Figure 13), it is normal to use the same price periods as the main chart (daily, weekly, or monthly). However, you can add daily, weekly, and monthly indicators to the chart if it aids analysis.

DMI Oscillator

//@Name:DMI Oscillator
//@Description:As described on Stocks & Commodities magazine, Jan 2013 issue.
var period = 14;
function init(status){
	if (status == Loading || status == Editing)
		period = storage.getAt(0);
	if (status == Adding || status == Editing){
		dlg = new Dialog("Settings...", 145, 55);
		if (
			return false;
		period = dlg.getValue("INT1");
		storage.setAt(0, period);
	setSeriesColour(0, Colour.Red);
	setSeriesChartType(0, ChartType.Histogram);
	setTitle(period+" DMI Oscillator");
function getGraph(share, data){
	var dmio = [];
	var adx1 = new ADX(period);
	for (var i=1; i<data.length; i++){[i]);
		dmio[i] = adx1.getPDI()-adx1.getNDI();
	return dmio;

DMI Stochastic

//@Name:DMI Stoch Extreme
//@Description:DMI Stochastic Extreme. As described on Stocks & Commodities magazine, Jan 2013 issue.
var stochPeriod = 10;
var stochSlow = 3;
function init(status){
	if (status == Loading || status == Editing){
		stochPeriod = storage.getAt(0);
		stochSlow = storage.getAt(1);
	if (status == Adding || status == Editing){
		dlg = new Dialog("Settings...", 165, 55);
		dlg.addIntEdit("INT1",8,-1,-1,-1,"","DMI Stoch Period",stochPeriod,2,1000);
		dlg.addIntEdit("INT2",8,-1,-1,-1,"","DMI Stoch Slow",stochSlow,1,1000);
		if (
			return false;
		stochPeriod = dlg.getValue("INT1");
		stochSlow = dlg.getValue("INT2");
		storage.setAt(0, stochPeriod);
		storage.setAt(1, stochSlow);
	setSeriesColour(0, Colour.Red);
	setTitle(stochPeriod+", "+stochSlow+" DMI Stochastic Extreme");
function getGraph(share, data){
	var adx1 = new ADX(stochPeriod);
	var stoc1 = new StochOsc(stochPeriod,stochSlow,2);
	var dmise = [];
	for (var i=1; i<data.length; i++){[i]);
		var dmio = adx1.getPDI()-adx1.getNDI();
		var temp = {open:dmio,high:dmio,low:dmio,close:dmio,volume:0};;
		dmise[i] = stoc1.getMain();
	return dmise;

—Tim Clarke




Trade Navigator offers everything needed to recreate the indicators and highlight bars discussed in “The DMI Stochastic” by Barbara Star in this issue.

The TradeSense code for the indicators and highlight bars, as well as step-by-step instructions for inputting the TradeSense code into Trade Navigator and displaying the indicator on a chart (Figure 14), are shown below.

Image 1

FIGURE 14: TRADE NAVIGATOR. Here’s an example of the DMI stochastic and highlight bars on a Trade Navigator chart.

First, open the Trader’s Toolbox, click on the Functions tab and click the New button.

DMI Above (Highlight Bar):

Type in the following code:

(DMI plus (10 , False) - DMI minus (10 , False)) > 0
Image 1

Click the Verify button.

When you are finished, click on the Save button, type a name for your new function and click OK.

Repeat these steps for the DMI Below, DMI Oscillator, DMI Stoch Reversal Down, DMI Stoch Reversal Up, DMI Stochastic Extreme, DMI Stochastic Extreme Down and DMI Stochastic Extreme Up functions using the following code.

DMI Below (Highlight Bar):

(DMI plus (10 , False) - DMI minus (10 , False)) < 0

DMI Oscillator (Indicator):

DMI plus (10 , False) - DMI minus (10 , False)

DMI Stoch Reversal Down (Highlight Bar):

Crosses Below (MovingAvg (Stochastic Custom (DMI plus (10 , False) - DMI minus (10 , False) , 3) , 3) , MovingAvg (MovingAvg (Stochastic Custom (DMI plus (10 , False) - DMI minus (10 , False) , 3) , 3) , 3))

DMI Stoch Reversal Up (Highlight Bar):

Crosses Above (MovingAvg (Stochastic Custom (DMI plus (10 , False) - DMI minus (10 , False) , 3) , 3) , MovingAvg (MovingAvg (Stochastic Custom (DMI plus (10 , False) - DMI minus (10 , False) , 3) , 3) , 3))

DMI Stochastic Extreme (Indicator):

MovingAvg (Stochastic Custom (DMI plus (10 , False) - DMI minus (10 , False) , 3) , 3)

DMI Stochastic Extreme Down (Highlight Bar):

Crosses Below (MovingAvg (Stochastic Custom (DMI plus (10 , False) - DMI minus (10 , False) , 3) , 3) , 91)

DMI Stochastic Extreme Up (Highlight Bar):

Crosses Above (MovingAvg (Stochastic Custom (DMI plus (10 , False) - DMI minus (10 , False) , 3) , 3) , 10)

When you are finished, click on the Save button, type a name for your new function and click OK.

Creating the Chart
Now that we have the functions, on a daily chart go to the Add to Chart window by clicking on the chart and typing A on the keyboard.

Click on the Indicators tab, find the DMI Oscillator indicator in the list and either double click on it or highlight the name and click the Add button.

Repeat these steps for the DMI Stochastic Extreme indicators. Add a second copy of the DMI Oscillator.

Click on the name of one of the the DMI Oscillator indicators on the chart and drag it into the same pane as the other DMI Oscillator.

Go to the Add to Chart window again. Click on the HighlightBars tab. Find the DMI Above, DMI Below, DMI Stoch Reversal Down and DMI Stoch Reversal Up Highlight bars and add them to the chart. When you are adding the DMI Stoch Reversal Down and DMI Stoch Reversal Up Highlight bars change them to Highlight Markers.

Type the letter ‘E’ on your keyboard to bring up the Chart Settings window.

Highlight each indicator and/or highlight bar and change it to the desired color in the chart settings window.

Select one of the DMI Oscillator indicators and change the type to Histogram.

Image 1

Highlight the DMI Stochastic Extreme indicator, then click the Add button at the bottom of the Chart Settings window, and select Add HighlightBars to Selected Indicator. Highlight the DMI Stochastic Extreme Down and DMI Stochastic Extreme Up in the list and click the Add button.

Once you have the indicators and highlight bars set the way you want them you can click the OK button.

You can create Studies of each of the panes on the chart. Go back into the Chart Settings window. Highlight the pane title you wish to make into a study. With the pane selected click the Save Study button at the bottom of the Chart Settings window. Type a name for the study and a description then click Save.

Now that you have the chart the way you want it, click on the Templates button in the toolbar and select <Manage chart templates>, click the New button, type a name for your template and click OK.

Genesis Financial Technologies is providing a library called “DMI Stochastic” that includes the custom indicators, highlight bars, and studies discussed in Star’s article. It also contains a template and a chart page to make it easier for you view these indicators. You can download the special file named “C201301” from within Trade Navigator to get this library.

—Michael Herman
Genesis Financial Technologies




Our Traders’ Tip this month is based on “The DMI Stochastic” by Barbara Star in this issue. In this article, Star introduces us to her DMI oscillator and DMI stochastic and describes some of the trading techniques she uses with them.

We’ll be offering the DMI oscillator and DMI stochastic for download in our VT client forums at along with hundreds of other precoded and free indicators and trading systems. In addition, instructions for recreating Star’s indicators in VT Trader are shown below.

DMI Oscillator

  1. VT Trader’s Ribbon→Technical Analysis menu→Indicators group→Indicators Builder→[New] button
  2. In the General tab, type the following text into each corresponding text box:
    Name: TASC - 01/2013 - DMI Oscillator
    Function Name Alias: tasc_DmiOsc
    Label Mask: TASC - 01/2013 - DMI Oscillator (%Pr%) = %Hist%
    Placement: New Frame
    Data Inspection Alias: DMI Osc
  3. In the Input Variable(s) tab, create the following variables:
    [New] button...
    Name: Pr
    Display Name: DMI Periods
    Type: integer
    Default: 10
  4. In the Output Variable(s) tab, create the following variables:
    [New] button...
    Var Name: Hist	
    Name: (DMI Histogram)
    Line Color: red
    Line Width: 1
    Line Type: histogram
    [New] button...
    Var Name: HistMa	
    Name: (Histogram 1-Period MA)
    Line Color: red
    Line Width: 1
    Line Type: solid
  5. In the Horizontal Line tab, create the following horizontal lines:
    [New] button...
    Value: +20
    Line Color: dark red
    Line Width: thin
    Line Type: dashed
    [New] button...
    Value: -20
    Line Color: dark red
    Line Width: thin
    Line Type: dashed
  6. In the Formula tab, copy and paste the following formula:
    {Provided By: Visual Trading Systems, LLC}
    {Copyright: 2013}
    {Description: TASC, January 2013 - "Getting Into The Game, The DMI Stochastic" by Barbara Star, PhD}
    {File: tasc_DmiOsc.vtscr - Version 1.0}
    {DMI Oscillator}
    PlusDI:= vt_DMI(Pr).PlusDI;
    MinusDI:= vt_DMI(Pr).MinusDI;
    Hist:= PlusDI - MinusDi;
    HistMa:= Mov(Hist,1,S);
  7. Click the “Save” icon in the toolbar to finish building the DMI Oscillator indicator.

To attach the indicator to a chart click the right mouse button within the chart window and then select “Add Indicator” → “TASC - 01/2013 - DMI Oscillator” from the indicator list.

DMI Stochastic

  1. VT Trader’s Ribbon→Technical Analysis menu→Indicators group→Indicators Builder→[New] button
  2. In the General tab, type the following text into each corresponding text box:
    Name: TASC - 01/2013 - DMI Stochastic
    Function Name Alias: tasc_DmiStoch
    Label Mask: TASC - 01/2013 - DMI Stochastic (%Pr%,%K%,%Sl%,%D%) = %DmiStDK%, %DmiStDD%
    Placement: New Frame
    Data Inspection Alias: DMI Stoch
  3. In the Input Variable(s) tab, create the following variables:
    [New] button...
    Name: Pr
    Display Name: DMI Periods
    Type: integer
    Default: 10
    [New] button...
    Name: K
    Display Name: DMI Stochastic Periods
    Type: integer
    Default: 10
    [New] button...
    Name: Sl
    Display Name: DMI Stochastic %K Slowing Periods
    Type: integer
    Default: 3
    [New] button...
    Name: D
    Display Name: DMI Stochastic %D MA Periods
    Type: integer
    Default: 3
  4. In the Output Variable(s) tab, create the following variables:
    [New] button...
    Var Name: DmiStDK	
    Name: (DMI Stochastic)
    Line Color: dark blue
    Line Width: 1
    Line Type: solid
    [New] button...
    Var Name: DmiStDD	
    Name: (DMI Stochastic MA)
    Line Color: blue
    Line Width: 1
    Line Type: dashed
  5. In the Horizontal Line tab, create the following horizontal lines:
    [New] button...
    Value: +90
    Line Color: red
    Line Width: thin
    Line Type: dashed
    [New] button...
    Value: -10
    Line Color: red
    Line Width: thin
    Line Type: dashed
  6. In the Formula tab, copy and paste the following formula:
    {Provided By: Visual Trading Systems, LLC}
    {Copyright: 2013}
    {Description: TASC, January 2013 - "Getting Into The Game, The DMI Stochastic" by Barbara Star, PhD}
    {File: tasc_DmiStoch.vtscr - Version 1.0}
    {DMI Oscillator}
    PlusDI:= vt_DMI(Pr).PlusDI;
    MinusDI:= vt_DMI(Pr).MinusDI;
    Hist:= PlusDI - MinusDi;
    {DMI Stochastic}
    DmiStK:= ((Hist-LLV(Hist,K))/(HHV(Hist,K)-LLV(Hist,K)))*100;
    DmiStDK:= Mov(DmiStK,Sl,S);
    DmiStDD:= Mov(DmiStDK,D,S);
  7. Click the “Save” icon in the toolbar to finish building the DMI Stochastic indicator.

To attach the indicator to a chart click the right mouse button within the chart window and then select “Add Indicator” → “TASC - 01/2013 - DMI Stochastic” from the indicator list.

A sample chart is shown in Figure 15.

Image 1

FIGURE 15: VT TRADER. Here, the DMI oscillator and DMI stochastic are attached to a GBP/USD one-hour candlestick chart.

Risk disclaimer: Past performance is not indicative of future results. Forex trading involves a substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors.

—Visual Trading Systems, LLC,



In “The DMI Stochastic” in this issue, author Barbara Star’s approach is to use variations on the DMI to extract a lot of information from the price action.

As you can see by the sample Excel chart in Figure 16, things get a little busy when you put markers for all of Star’s indicators on the chart. Thus, I have provided some checkbox controls to allow you to display various combinations at your option.

Excel has no reasonable way to dynamically color candlesticks according to conditions found in the data. As a workaround, I have used two dummy series plotted as vertical bars to provide background coloration on the price chart in the areas that correspond to Star’s blue and red price bars.

The spreadsheet file for this Traders’ Tip can be downloaded here. To successfully download it, follow these steps:

Image 1

FIGURE 16: EXCEL. Things get a little busy if you include all of the potential signal information that Barbara Star describes in her article.

—Ron McAllister
Excel and VBA programmer


Originally published in the January 2013 issue of
Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine.
All rights reserved. © Copyright 2012, Technical Analysis, Inc.

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