OCT. 1996, Vol.14 No.10

15 The Siren Call of Optimized Trading Systems
by Dennis Meyers, Ph.D.
Today's software for trading systems can take you down some dangerous paths. Here's how to avoid one mistake. 

21 Seasonality and the Presidential Election Cycle 
by Mark Vakkur, M.D.
Can you combine politics with seasonality? With the Presidential election coming up, here's a review of some trading strategies for the stock market built around this event. 

32 The Andrews Line 
by Ron Jaenisch 
This charting method determines market trend and identify reversal points to set up trading opportunities.


38 On Symmetrical Triangles 
by Thomas Bulkowski
You might have seen triangle formations and wondered what they were all about. Here's what they are.

54 Those Losses that the Trader Creates 
by Adrienne Laris Toghraie
Traders may move from success to loss, but the losses may be created by the trader and not the markets. 

62 Modeling the Markets with Nelson Freeburg 
by Thom Hartle 
Nelson Freeburg, editor and publisher of newsletter Formula Research, has focused his energies on the development of systematic approaches to the stock, bond and futures markets. What are the key issues and steps that anyone should take to designing trading models?


69 The Pathfinder trading system
75 The K-ratio precious metals switch fund
77 The rate momentum model

79 Pork Bellies and the COT Index 
by Scott W. Barrie
Here's a study on the Cot report as an indicator for trading pork bellies. 

93 Managing the Future with Managed Futures 
by Victor Sperandeo
The stock market has been trending higher for a record period, and a correction is long overdue. What can you do to stay in the game? 

TradeStation version 4, Build 15, page 83
Option Pro On-Line, trading system for Windows,
version 2.1, page 97
Wall Street Analyst, version 2.1, page 96 

Opening Position 
Letters to S&C 
Traders' Tips 
Futures Liquidity 
Trade News & Products 
Traders' Glossary 
Advertisers' Index 
Editorial Resource Index 
Resource Market Place 
Classified Advertising
Novice Traders' Notebook 

Cover art: Brad Walker
Cover Concept: Brad Walker / Christine Morrison