Forecasting Simplified,
With Cynthia Kase
Cynthia Kase is considered by many to be the energy market’s top technical analyst and hedging advisor. Read what she has to say.
The MEGAN Ratio
Which system will generate more return? Here’s a metric that will help you answer that question.
The RSI Miracle
The Rsi does everything you expect from an indicator.
Identifying And Timing
With The Special K, Part 2
Here’s how Special K can be used to identify major trend reversals.
Join The Band
Apply this method to moving average crossovers to get rid of the lag and the false signals.
Managing Your
10-Bagger Portfolio
It’s a lofty goal to go for a 10-fold increase in the price of a stock, but is it realistic?
Walk-Forward Testing
You can use walk-forward testing to compare trading systems.
This professional trader answers a few of your questions.
Three Rules, One Easy Way
To Trade ETFs
Here’s a short-term trading strategy to trade exchange traded funds.
Explore Your Options
Got a question about options?
Futures For You
Here's how the futures market really works.
Trading Systems
Trading systems take the subjectivity out of trading.
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online at www.working-money.com