S&C CONTENTS PAGE October 2001, Vol. 19 No. 10

Position Trading The S&P
by Clifton Mitchell, Ph.D.
Use linear regression to predict short-term trend changes of the Standard & Poor's 500. 

Through Bull And Bear,  They Are The Survivors
by John Sweeney and Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
STOCKS & COMMODITIES tracked down three market survivors to find out how they held up during the bear market.

Flexible Candlesticks
by Viktor Likhovidov
Here's a trading system that adapts to different markets by altering certain parameters, on a variation of the CandleCodes system. 

Adjustable CandleCode for MetaStock

Money Management Indicators
by Michael R. Bryant, Ph.D.
Keeping track of your system's performance will alert you to changes in market behavior. 

Trend Detection Index
by M.H. Pee
Can you tell when a trend's begun and when it's ended? You can with this.

The TDI rules in Excel

by Don Bright
This professional trader answers a few of your questions. 

Tweak Those Spreads
by Phillips Wiegand Jr.
Is it possible to trade in any environment? 

Dow 1000
by Edwin Polokoff
There are many ways to succeed in this world, and help can come from an unlikely source. 

Traders' Resource: Consultants
Consultants consult on just about every worry that traders have. They have been called in to consult on everything from tax advice to weather reporting. Can this help you? Maybe.

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  • Interactive Brokers

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    In This Issue

  • Interview: William J. O'Neil
  • Volume Speaks Volumes
  • Can Beta Help You Battle Volatility?
  • Little Steps = Big Returns