S&C CONTENTS PAGE March 2012, Volume 30 Number 3

Magazine Cover Image

Cover art: Liz Adams


Review: Option analysis and trading software
eSignal 11 (Part 1)
Review: Complete trading platform


Opening Position
Letters to S&C
Traders’ Glossary
Trade News & Products
Traders’ Tips
Futures Liquidity
Books For Traders
Classified Advertising

Feature Article Figure 1

Four Reasons Why Stock Prices Move
by Martti Luoma and Annukka Jokipii
Why do stock prices move?


Introducing SwamiCharts Tips Logo
by John F. Ehlers and Ric Way
Traditional technical indicators tend to provide a narrow view of the market. This technique can give you a broader one and help you select an indicator lookback period.

by Don Bright
This professional trader answers a few of your questions.

Changing The Trader’s Mindset
by Ronald M. Brandt
Reorienting a mindset for specific trading components requires understanding your current one, knowing what leads to trading success, identifying what needs to be changed, and developing a plan during trading activity. So how do you do it?

Fiery Bull Trade
by Partha Mukherjee
It pays to know your stock. Here’s a step-by-step analysis of how one trader likes to trade the markets.


System Trading Made Easy With John Bollinger
by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan and Bruce R. Faber
John Bollinger is an analyst, author, president and cofounder of Bollinger Capital Management, but he may best be known as the creator of Bollinger Bands, viewed as a reliable tool for assessing expected price action. What’s he been up to in the past few years?

Explore Your Options
by Tom Gentile
Got a question about options?

Scanning For Cash-Rich Stocks
by Donald W. Pendergast Jr.
You can scour the markets for stocks meeting specific fundamental and technical criteria.

Find The Biggest Winners WM Logo
by Mike Carr, CMT, and Amber Hestla
Studying the winners of the past 10 years can give you an idea of the possible winners of the next five.


Online Trading Services
We’ve compiled a list of websites that focus on a variety of investment and trading topics.

Futures For You
by Carley Garner
Here’s how the futures market really works.


Using Price Extreme Values
by Voznjuk Vladimir Vladimirovich
This is one way to look for entry points using extreme price values.

Traders.com Advantage Icon Working Money Icon These articles — and articles like them — can be found
online at www.traders.com

Traders Tips Icon This article is the basis for Traders’ Tips this month.

Originally published in the March 2012 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. All rights reserved. © Copyright 2012, Technical Analysis, Inc.