Optimizing With Hilbert Indicators
by Roger Darley
Adjust your trading signals to account for what's actually happening in the market.
The Reality Of Investing: John C. Bogle Of Vanguard
by John Sweeney
John Bogle founded The Vanguard Group, now one of the largest mutual fund organizations in the world. His philosophy of investing is the antithesis of the typical trader's, so we figured we'd get an earful talking to him. We weren't disappointed!
Candlestick Charts For Daytrading
by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Candlestick charts can help daytraders see the forces of supply and demand at work.
Nasdaq Advances-Declines
by Dennis D. Peterson
This market breadth indicator remains one of the most popular ways to gauge market movement.
Two-Day Price Patterns
by Martin J. Pring
Coming at the end of a trend, two-day patterns are solid signals of a reversal. Here's the last of Pring's three articles on price patterns.
Options Or Stops?
by Joe Luisi
Options may cost less and give you more flexibility than outright stops. Here's how to choose between options and stops and some ways of using both throughout the life of the trade.
Which Inflation Rate?
by Alex Saitta
So you're going to use an inflation rate to gauge the market you're interested in. Which one are you going to use? Which one fits your needs?
Since You Asked
by Don Bright
Professional trader Don Bright of Bright Trading answers a few of your questions.
Traders' Resource: Hardware
Hardware's a good place to start to customize your trading area. The vendors listed here can supply you with customized trading setups and multiple-monitor setups, the processor of your choice, and even the ergonomics to make it as comfortable as possible. |