S&C CONTENTS PAGE August 2000, Vol. 18 No. 8

Taking The Tech Sector Apart -- Technically
by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
The recent downfall in technology stocks came as shock to some traders. Here's how you could have protected your profits. 

Brokerages -- The Next Generation: Philip Berber Of CyBerCorp
by John Sweeney
The founder of CyBerCorp, a next-generation, electronic brokerage group providing real-time, direct-access trading, explains what the new generation of brokerages will mean for investors. 

Trading Stochastic Pops
by David Steckler
You can identify breakouts using stochastic pops. What are they, anyway?

Calculating stochastics

Chaikin's Money Flow
by Christopher Narcouzi
An indicator combining price and volume could spotlight buying and selling, and Chaikin's money flow is such an indicator. Use it with basic charting techniques to increase your chances of success. 

Catching DJIA Breakouts
by Mark Vakkur, M.D.
Buying breakouts in the Dow Jones Industrial Average works well -- but there are caveats. 

Increasing the holding period

A Put/Call Ratio Oscillator To Pinpoint Market Conditions
by John Summa
Who says the put/call ratio doesn't work anymore? Here's an oscillator that's great for pinpointing intermediate market tops and bottoms. 

Computing the put/call oscillator

Price Patterns, Part 1
by Martin J. Pring
This veteran market analyst takes a look at the principles of price formation, one of the basics of technical analysis. 

Traders' Resource: Data Services
You need data if you're going to trade. Here's a list of data services.

Cover Art: Patrick Kelley

  • Quick Harmonic Trader
  • Ultra Signal File Optimizer,
  • ITRNet
  • EquityTrader.com
  • MB Trader


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