February 1998, Vol.16 No.2
15 Metaphors for Trading
by Ruth Barrons Roosevelt
The metaphors we use in our everyday lives can be powerful emotional symbols. Change those metaphors and develop a more successful attitude. HereÕs how. 

20 Using Multiple Moving Averages
by Daryl Guppy
Moving averages are used by most technicians to identify important trends. HereÕs a unique twist on using multiple moving averages as an early warning of trend reversals.

27 An MMA MetaStock template

32 Exits, Stops and Strategy 
by Jeffrey Owen Katz, Ph.D., and Donna L. McCormick
EveryoneÕs looking for entry trading signals, but what about after youÕre in the trade? Here are different techniques for making a graceful ? and profitable ? exit.

44 The New Gann Swing Chartist
by Robert Krausz
HereÕs how one professional trader, a New Market Wizard, chanced upon a rare technical method, and the steps he took to turn it into a valid trading plan.

52 Basic Gann swing plan rules

59 Keys to Successful Trading: Charles White of Tucson Asset Management
by Thom Hartle
Charles WhiteÕs career has ranged from fixed-income portfolio manager to Commodity Trading Advisor. Today, White is doing it all as he advises institutional fixed-income managers as well as maintaining three managed-futures programs, with approximately $50 million under management. S&C asked about issues key to developing trading systems as well as what investors should look for when deciding on a Cta.



72 Anchored Momentum
by Rudy Stefenel
Unique and effective momentum indicators can be anchored to a point on a centered simple moving average (Sma). Here are the benefits of anchored momentum. 

83 Expressions 

76 Double Bottoms
by Thomas Bulkowski
The mirror image of a double top, the double bottom is a more profitable longer-term play. Find out why.

¥ Sharpen Your Trading Skills, page 88
¥ Essex Options Trading Seminar, page 89

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Cover Art: Bob Schuchman
Cover Concept: Christine Morrison